Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
DP Architects redefines movie-going experience as cinema meets FEC

An attraction-cinema hybrid in Indonesia combines the physical and mental stimulation of the FEC with the timeless appeal of the movies.

Fidgety kids have been delighted by a play area built into a movie theatre after Singapore-based DP Design introduced soft play to the cinema environment.

The project, Cinemaxx Junior, is a child-friendly cinema designed to allow young visitors the freedom to move around and enjoy incorporated playground elements. Recently completed in Tangerang, Indonesia, the 750sqm (8,100sq ft) play area and movie theatre are fully integrated, blending the experience of visual and physical entertainment.

The idea for the hybrid came about simply from the observation that children don’t enjoy being confined to a single seat for a prolonged period of time. Cinemaxx Junior is a custom-designed space for children aged three to 10 and their families and the 106-seat space is available in three-hour slots, allowing 60 minutes of pure play before the film starts. This also means parents are able to enjoy the experience, rather than worrying about disturbing other cinema-goers.

According to DP Design: “In modern Asia where many families are dual-income, bonding time with children is becoming a precious commodity to many parents. In response to this trend, Cinemaxx Junior has been designed as a holistic concept seamlessly integrating two separate recreational functions into one enriched experience in a cohesively-designed environment.”

Design details include informal seating with bean bags, loungers, sofa beds in stain-resistant vinyl fabrics; generous leg room creates a safe passageway for running children; diverse range of play equipment for sliding, climbing, crawling, jumping and swinging; climbing walls, climbing trees, tube slides, ball pools, padded wall panelling; lighting and sound design tailored to accommodate safe play, such as a general increase in illumination and decrease in volume; and child-friendly washroom and spacious nursing and changing facilities.

The client was Cinemaxx Global Pasifik. DP Design worked with playground supplier Playpoint Singapore and playground consultant Carve.

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